

Week 31

On Apr 18, 2016, at 3:46 PM, Van <> wrote:
The pics remind me of how it was when I was a kid….now you know what I meant when I said I floated down the street on an inner-tube…..I wasn’t joking.

Cool videos


From: Ben Allen []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 1:48 PM
To: Xmission <>
Subject: Re: water

Probably not. There were only 2 areas that got flushed this transfer, us and an area in Cleveland up North.

I've uploaded most of em, still have a few to go though. Then I have a bunch of pics on my iPad. I'll keep taking pics though!

-Elder Allen


Haha, look what we picked up this week

On Apr 18, 2016, at 2:37 PM, Xmission <> wrote:
So the two of you get to stay together. Just in a new location?

Well be safe and have a good week I'm sure they'll be plenty of cleanup to go around. We all miss you over some great pictures take some more and upload them kids love them.


On Apr 18, 2016, at 10:13 AM, Van <> wrote:
I hope you have a good swimsuit today. 

Remember the storm drains. Stay away from them. Better only 1 person be lost than 2 in a rescue. They are overwhelmingly powerful.

It is cool to see all that water. I remember it so well as a kid. It was a highlight of mine growing up.  Lots of stories to tell.

Have a good day. I guess this really messes up transfers today.


Happy bday! 

So I'm being transferred again. Our area is being shut down and we are being flushed. So basically we are doing the same thing we did last transfer. We have to pack up e apartment and make sure the area book is up to date and the records are being transferred correctly. 

We went to another missionaries apartment this morning to pick some stuff up before the rain was too bad for transferred. We waded through the parking lot and didn't think too much about it. We made it to the other missionaries apartment just fine without too much trouble and picked up the stuff and hung out with them for a minute or two. Well, on our way back home, we couldn't get home. The rain had picked up and everything was super flooded. We were on the feeder just down the road from our apartment and we couldn't get through. So we turned around on the one way road and went the wrong way. It's ok though, cause everyone else was too! We tried another way, made it a little closer, but it was still blocked. Then we tried the next way. Same thing. We drove around for a half hour trying to get to our apartment. We couldn't do it. So the four of us parked the car and hoofed it a half mile in the water to get to the apartment. Three of us had shoes and then one of them broke... So two of us didn't have shoes and we were walking through the streets of Houston, barefoot. We made it, picked up some shoes and an extra change of clothes and hiked back. 

We then found out that transfers have been cancelled and pushed back to Saturday cause it's supposed to rain all week. So we are here for another 5 days in an area that we've already shut down. We are in the dilemma of what to do for the next week. We will probably help out the other missionaries with the area if they ask for help, but if not, we will help them anyway!

-Elder Allen

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